Emulating an Angry God

The Link between Evangelical Authoritarianism and the Bible

Elias Kruger
Backyard Church
Published in
9 min readApr 21, 2021


Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

The time of reckoning for American evangelicalism has arrived. Multiple disturbing aspects of evangelical culture are now coming to light. As the veil is lifted, the picture is not pretty. This has led some within the movement to claim they are undergoing persecution. Yet, make no mistake: this crisis is of our own doing. I believe, however, that this is a call to examination and repentance for those who have ears to listen.

Before we proceed, I am going to make a request. Can you hold conflicting ideas in tension without resolving them? In an age of sound-byte information and 30-second Tik-Tok videos, thinking deeply has become a rare commodity. As we embark on this journey of examination, we must first disarm from our mob judgment and manufactured outrage.

Can someone be both competent and rude, both help people but also hurt them? I want to make it very clear that this is not an attempt to cancel Dave Ramsey and his company. I have personally benefited from his books. There is a lot there to help people get off debt and build wealth. His message of personal responsibility and frugality is a welcome alternative for a generation that has mortgaged their children’s future for instant gratification.



Elias Kruger
Backyard Church

Blessed star dust, husband, father, data scientist, amateur composter and writer. Asking questions, looking at data and searching for truth.